56% of Lawyers dislike their jobs.
Fewer than 1% of those will ever do anything about it, and will spend the rest of their productive lives practicing law.
I decided I would rather be in the 1% who did something, and escaped the law forever.
If becoming part of that 1% appeals to you too, keep reading.
Because I may be able to help you do just that. But first, let me tell you a bizarre, yet life-changing story. It starts one morning in State Court…
I was there for a Calendar Call, sitting in the stale air of the gallery waiting my turn. Just as I had a hundred times before. Although that day, I was about to witness something I’d never seen.
In the front, before the bench, two opposing attorneys appeared before the clerk.
Dressed in disheveled suits, with dark-sullen eyes and expressionless faces, they argued back and forth over a Motion for Enlargement of Time. At issue: whether a specific pleading was served on the 4th or 5th of that month.
Continually interrupted by an exasperated and hostile clerk, the agitation of the two lawyers escalated. Round and round it went… the anger intensifying with each exchange.
Finally, the dam broke. The two lawyers had enough. As the entire courtroom watched, one went over the edge, then the other. Decorum collapsed. Screaming ensued. I was now paying rapt attention, as were the scores of other previously-bored lawyers waiting to be called.
As the ever-intensifying screaming echoed off the walls of the courtroom, I had an epiphany. It was as if a lightning bolt hit me, and surged through my entire body.
The bolt was my subconscious, flashing an emergency message to my brain: I wasn’t just watching a live-time mental and spiritual breakdown of two random litigators… I was watching my future.
For seven years I had been doing this. And if I continued, this would be where my life would lead. Ageing, exhausted, and on my last nerve. Spending my mornings in a dingy courtroom, before a soulless and abusive clerk, arguing over whether or not some insignificant piece of paper had been officially served on a Wednesday or Thursday. Then leaving that courtroom to return to a soul-sucking office where an eight-inch stack of overdue discovery responses laid in wait.
The scene before the bench escalated. One of the litigants had snapped and turned his fury directly on the clerk. Three red-faced bailiffs had charged in and were escorting him out. Except for the screaming there was not another sound in the courtroom. Just stunned silence.
As the silence lingered, I struggled with one of those life decisions. I knew it was now or never. Leave the law now, or get sucked into a partnership and be stuck for life. A short time later, I handed my keycard in to HR, stuffed my personal items in a doc box, and walked out of my office building, and the legal profession, never to return.
So, why am I telling you all this?
Because, just like you, I know what it’s like being chained to a gloomy law firm existence, dreaming of one day making a permanent escape to a higher quality, more rewarding, and more satisfying life.
Of course, your exact situation may differ slightly: Perhaps you spend endless days chained to your desk, pouring over a never-ending pile of correspondence, contracts, and pleadings. Or maybe you’re caught in an endless loop of agonizing zoom calls, staring into dead-eyes on a computer screen where no one is paying any attention.
No matter. Regardless of how you practice law, if you dream of an escape… if you dream of one day throwing your own personal belongings in a doc box, and walking out on the legal meat grinder forever, keep reading. Because I want to show you the best way to do just that.
Imagine not having to drag yourself into the firm on a Monday morning, already tired and dreading the week. Not having to log into your inbox first thing, and click through email-after-email from irritable partners and demanding clients. Imagine, instead, spending your Monday morning luxuriating in your favorite chair while sipping coffee, and brainstorming on the exciting possibilities of the week ahead… answering to no one. All the while making as much (and sometimes more) money than you ever made sitting behind a desk at a law firm.
And making money enjoying your hours… instead of billing them. Think about it.
How do you get there though? What’s the best way to escape the law and build the lifestyle of your dreams? I discovered how… eventually. Here’s how it happened:
After I left the law, I bounced around a bit. I tried different things. Worked different jobs in different industries. Looking for a spark. And sure, things were better than back at the law firm. There were still plenty of negatives though. And I was still answering to other people.
Eventually, doubt crept in. Had I made a long-term mistake leaving the law? “No way” I told myself. There had to be a better way… a better life. So, I decided to go in a radical new direction…
And that is where I found what I’d been looking for: The answer to the question of how to leave the legal profession behind forever, and catapult into a rich and fulfilling life…
ENTREPRENEURSHIP! Starting YOUR OWN business. Making your living doing something you actually enjoy, something exciting that you actually have FUN doing… and doing it on your own time schedule while answering to no one but yourself. Real freedom.
It wasn’t all fun and games in the beginning though.
You see, I was starting from scratch, with no one to guide me. Everything I learned about launching a business I had to learn on my own… the hard way. I’ll be honest with you: getting my first business off the ground was tough. It took YEAR after YEAR of struggle and setbacks.
And that sucked for me, but here’s how it benefits you: MY pain is YOUR gain. Hear me out.
Because, the thing is, after going through all of that failure and struggle, I finally figured it all out…
I became intimately familiar with the mistakes, oversights, and pitfalls that need to be avoided when starting a business. More importantly, I was able to recognize and correct the mistakes I was making by RELYING ON MY LEGAL TRAINING for business decisions (This is a crucial mistake to avoid – more on that in a minute).
Well, just imagine if you could START out in your business venture with the skills and knowledge that you could otherwise only gain through years of mistakes, trial and error, and failure…
Armed with that knowledge, you could AVOID all of those years of struggle… and save a boatload of potential wasted capital in the process.
Simply put: What if I could put into your hands today a detailed blueprint for starting and building your own escape-the-law business… before you even started?
That’s exactly what I’ve developed: A blueprint specifically for the practicing attorney who wants to start a business to build a better life, and leave the practice of law behind for good.
It’s the fastest and most efficient way for you to successfully transform yourself from a beleaguered and dissatisfied attorney into a prosperous and fulfilled business owner.
Truthfully speaking… this blueprint puts into your hands today a strategic arsenal that is simple in structure, but would take many grueling years of struggle for you to learn on your own.
Even if you have no business ideas, have never thought about starting a business, or can’t even imagine where to start, this blueprint will guide you, step-by-step, out of the grueling practice of law and into the fulfilling life of a business owner. Moreover, it’s designed for you to go at your own pace, so it will fit into your current schedule, no matter how constrained.
Any lawyer starting a business as a means of quickly escaping the legal profession needs to know a lot up front. And not just the “how-to” of building a business (although that is certainly important).
You see, because you are coming from an attorney background, it will be CRUCIAL to “retrain” yourself to think and act in different ways. Let me explain.
Something I learned (painfully) in the early years of starting a business, is that many of the skills we’ve developed (from both our legal education and through the practice of law) will actually work against us when we enter the entrepreneurial business world.
As a consequence, you’re going to have to change your mindset and change certain instincts. In some cases, you’re going to have to flat out ignore certain parts of your ingrained education and experience, and do the opposite of what your mind is telling you to do.
It will feel weird at first. Believe me though, if you make the effort, and learn these things up front, you will avoid years and years of unnecessary struggle, (and get out of the law much faster).
Here is just a small sliver of what “Lawyer Liberator” will teach you right up front:
If all this sounds unfamiliar and overwhelming to you, take comfort. I knew absolutely NONE of this when I started out. In fact, I didn’t know what 95% of those terms even meant.
All I had was what I thought worked, which in most cases (again, thanks to our legal background) was the exact opposite of what actually does work.
And that’s what this system is all about: As a former attorney who made the jump to business ownership, I’m in a unique position to guide you through your journey, pointing out what you need to know, and perhaps more importantly, steering you from the serious and costly mistakes you will be prone to make before you make them.
I’m like a pioneer who took the very first solo journey over an uncharted mountain range; barely surviving… but returning, and handing you a detailed map to get to the other side quickly and safely.
Upon enrollment in the “Lawyer Liberator” program, you will receive the following:
A 12-point Blueprint on how to plan for and set up your business for success. This blueprint is WRITTEN SPECIFICALLY FOR ATTORNEYS. So, not only is it a how-to guide, but it provides tailored solutions to the unique challenges you will face as a trained attorney transitioning into business ownership.
An interactive software program: “VentureWare Matrix.” This can be used to generate the most accurate and reliable data available on any potential market.
A monthly consulting call. This will be one-on-one, with me personally.
It’s important to underscore that Lawyer Liberator is a “Personal Consulting Program.” Which makes it unique and very different from other “Business Coaching Programs” out there. This will not be a series of zoom calls where I speak into a webcam, and you and hundreds of other scrabble-tile-sized faces on the computer screen sit silently and listen to me drone on-and-on into cyberspace. Nor is it a program where you will have one initial call with me, and then be pawned off to a “team member.”
This will be a one-on-one, just you and me, personal investment of my time in you and your business. Each and every session. You’ll have me, a former attorney who once sat right where you sit, right by your side, helping you plan and execute your escape.
So, you’ll never feel left on your own.
I know you’ve been thinking about making your escape from the law. Otherwise, you wouldn’t still be reading this letter. And whether you’re thinking of walking out of your law firm in the next few days, or interested in slowly building a business in your free time while you continue to work as a lawyer – you’ve got to take action now, before it’s too late.
Ok, so how do you take that crucial first step?
I’ll make it easy for you. Simply Click here to Schedule Your Free Call and click on one of the available times remaining to schedule a 15-minute phone call with me. There’s no charge, no obligation, and no risk for our visit…
Now, there is one drawback for this program: because there’s only one of me, and I will be personally involved with every member, I have to limit the membership. And as of the mailing of this letter, there are only 26 slots still available.
So, if you are interested, please sign up quickly for a call. We’ll have a causal and candid conversation about your goals. If I think you’re a good fit for the program and there are remaining slots, we’ll move forward. Before you know it, you’ll no longer just be sitting at your desk, thinking or dreaming about escape from the law… you’ll actually be hands-on, fully engaged in building a business that will get you out… forever.
Look, you swam through a vast ocean of crap and expense to get to where you are now… Undergrad, LSAT, Law School, Bar Exam…. and all it ever earned you was a career that gives you zero joy and satisfaction.
I know. Because just like you, I swam through the same ocean, and wound up in the same place.
It’s agonizing, and you have every right to be frustrated, and even angry, with how things turned out.
You don’t have to pay for it for the rest of your life though. You owe it to yourself to take a shot at escaping to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life, before it’s too late.
Here’s two final thoughts I can give you about the benefits of starting a business and leaving the law:
So, if you’re ready to join me, and the fewer-than-1% of lawyers who took action and escaped the law to live the free and exciting life of an entrepreneur, just go to www.calendly.com/lawyerliberator and schedule your free call. I’ll talk to you soon.